MIPASTA este un gel pasta creat special pentru tehnica Baroc disponibil in 2 culori: GOLD & SILVER.
Made in EU!
Instructiuni de folosire:
Se aplica in mai multe straturi folosind pensula (Nr.11) MIG Nails & Beauty 3/0
pentru a creea efectul de 3D. Fiecare strat intermediar se usuca la lampa UV cate 1 min.
Se recomanda pentru o rapiditate mai mare de creare a modelului sa se foloseasca o lampa LED si sa se usuce fiecare strat cate 10 secunde.
Atentie! Fara aplicarea si uscarea in straturi succesive nu obtineti efectul 3D dorit! A nu se tine expuse la sursa de lumina naturala, raze UV sau caldura puternica.
*Aceste instructiuni au caracter informativ si sunt pentru persoanele pregatite profesional in meseria de Stilist Protezist de Unghii. Informatiile furnizate sunt valabile pentru produsele MIG Nails & Beauty si pot diferi de cele ale altor companii. Nu ne asumam raspunderea pentru utilizarea produselor in alt mod decat cel descris mai sus.
MIPASTA is a special gel made for the Baroque technique. It is available in 2 colors: GOLD & SILVER.
Made in EU!
MIPASTA must be applied layer over layer using the (No.11) MIG Nails & Beauty 3/0 Brush to create the 3D effect. Each layer of MIPASTA must be cured for 1 minute in the UV lamp. To minimize the working time it is recommended that you use a LED lamp and cure each layer for 10 seconds.
Attention! If you don’t apply many layers and cure every layer you will not get the 3D effect. Do not keep the gels directly in the sun light, UV light or high heat.
* These instructions are informative and they are for professionally trained as Certified Gel Nail Technicians. All the information are valid for MIG Nails & Beauty products and it can be different from other brands. We do not take responsibilities for using the products in any other way that the one described above.
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