Primer fara acid
Primer fara acid care creaza o aderenta puternica intre unghia naturala si gel. Regleaza Ph-ul unghiei, previne exfolierea unghiei naturale. Poate fi folosit atat pentru sistemul de gel,acril si oja permanenta aplicata pe unghia naturala.
Timp de uscare : se usuca la aer intre 30-40 secunde. Dupa uscare unghia naturala va capata un aspect lipicios
Instructiuni de folosire : Dupa ce ati pregatit unghia naturala impins si indepartat cuticula cu cap freza pentru cuticula diamantat , matuiti usor unghia naturala cu pila granulatie 180/180 si aplicati Nail Prep Mig .
Aplicati Primer Light (non acid) intr-un strat foarte subtire doar pe unghia naturala fara a atinge cuticula si lasati sa se usuce la aer 30-40 secunde.
10 ml
Se recomanda a se folosi atat la constructie cu gel, acril, intretinere cat si la oja permanenta.
*Aceste instructiuni au caracter informativ si sunt pentru persoanele pregatite profesional in meseria de Stilist Protezist de Unghii. Informatiile furnizate sunt valabile pentru produsele MIG Nails & Beauty si pot diferi de cele ale altor companii. Nu ne asumam raspunderea pentru utilizarea produselor in alt mod decat cel descris mai sus.
Acid Free Primer
It creates a strong adhesion between the nail and the gel. This primer adjusts the nail PH preventing peeling or lifting. It can be used both for gel, acryl or gel polish on natural nails.
Drying time: 30-40 seconds. After the primer dries, the nail will be sticky.
After preparing the natural nails and removing the cuticle with the Diamond Cuticle Bit, file the nail with the 180/180 Nail File and apply Nail Prep Mig/
Apply Primer Light (acid free) in a very thin layer just on the naural nail without touching the cuticle and let it dry in the air for 30-40 seconds.
10 ml
It is recommended that you use the primer for sculpting gel or acryl, refilling and gel polish.
* These instructions are informative and they are for professionally trained as Certified Gel Nail Technicians. All the information are valid for MIG Nails & Beauty products and it can be different from other brands. We do not take responsibilities for using the products in any other way that the one described above.
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